Bringing Memes and Crypto Together on Solana

We are a meme-based cryptocurrency focused on Diaz the Axolotl.

Diaz is the first of three memes we will launch on Solana on 1 May 2024 as part of the

We aim to bring opportunities through being fun, transparent and fair.

Join the community and embrace the power of crypto with a touch of humor with Diaz!


Contract Address: Fjg54fFVv6SnytdP83fpojnxX1TZbfXvXQ4HcE6BqTYg


Find us on Dextools!

3 Year Fair Crypto Project

Diaz is the first of 3 meme based crypto currencies we will launch over a 3 year period.

Through our launch and management of Diaz we aim to show you our values of Transparency, Fairness and Opportunity.

To find more details on the 3 Year Fair Crypto Project, and our White Paper, follow the link below 

Our Mission and Values

At Diaz Token, we believe in the importance of transparency, fairness and opportunity.

Through the power of memes and crypto we want to to bring joy and financial opportunities to millions.

Our launches will be fair. Through them, and our airdrops, we will be fair to the crypto community and fair to those who support us 

We will be transparent, showing the wallets we hold and where we send out airdrop tokens. 

You will see this in Diaz who will be an active social media poster giving fun, insightful and frequent updates to connect with the community. 

7.5% of Tokens in Airdrops!

Before launch we will airdrop 5% of all Diaz tokens to 5 individuals who help us market Diaz! You can see all that on our Diaz Twitter page.

Post launch, at five specified times, including 1 week after launch, we will airdrop 5,000,000 tokens to members of our community!

We don't aim to complicate these airdrops, and all you may need to do is hold Diaz tokens, or retweet something from our website, or both. During 4 of these post launch airdrops 1 person will get 1,000,000 of all Diaz tokens!

For Airdrop 3 one lucky person will get 5,000,000 of all Diaz tokens!


We believe that a fair value of Diaz in the current market after 1 year is £1M. So we could be giving away $75,000 in airdrops. $50,000 worth of tokens at this value will go to each of 5 lucky people in our pre launch airdrops!

We promise to work hard to bring trust to Diaz. This is a long term commitment for us in the 3 Year Fair Crypto Project. Check out our white paper at our Fair Crypto Project homepage.

We mean business.

We  will work to bring the best for everyone in our community.

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