Meet Diaz!

Diaz is the first meme based token launched as part of the 3 Year Fair Crypto Project. We will launch his token on 1 May 2024.

Diaz is a real character based on a real Axolotl owned by one of the project team. 

Each meme we launch is based on the pet a member of the project team has owned, and Diaz was chosen as the first.

Diaz will be followed by Rey, a playful English Springer Spaniel, and then Luna, a stunning Ragdoll Cat.

With one fair launch a year, these three memes form our 3 Year Fair Crypto Project.

Each day Diaz will show you on Twitter that he is funny, thoughtful, topcial and most of all fun to have in your lives.

While Diaz is no longer with us, his memory will live on through this meme.

His personality will shine through, and as you get to know him you will learn to love him.



Distribution of the 1,000,000,000 Diaz Tokens is outlined below


We are aiming for maximum transparency with our tokens and will make public the wallet addresses for all tokens not released at launch.

 5% is needed for pre and post launch marketing and helping to develop coin 2 in our 3 year project

Marketing Dev


Each of the airdrop wallets can be found below on

5% Prelaunch

Airdrop 1

Airdrop 2

Airdrop 3

Airdrop 4

Airdrop 5

Team Diaz

Team Diaz will retain ownership of 15% of the tokens split between the two wallets below.

Only Tokens in the year 1 wallet will be sold in the first 12 months.

We aren't going to cash out early and are here for the long run.

Team Diaz Year 1

After Year 1

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